About Publishing ByChelle
At Publishing ByChelle, storytelling is the core of everything we do. We create stories that matter. Every person who works for and with us, has passion for this ancient form of art that has the power to move, inspire and ultimately lead people to making changes in their lives — be they large or small.
Finding, writing and designing stories is the wonderful pastime that drives our team to keep creating, and to keep giving others a source of inspiration. Yes, anyone can tell a story, but it's not just the telling of a story that matters — it's about who is listening and who is acting. Who will take the time out of their life to hear your story? Why does your story matter in the larger scheme of things? How can your story inspire people and be a catalyst for change?
Come and visit us. Talk to us, because we have some answers to your questions. After all, Publishing ByChelle was created to help your brand understand who might listen to your story, and to then create stories that have the power to make people stop, really listen, think and make changes to their lives. We move people, literally, by creating stories that matter.
Meet the Team
Everyone at Publishing ByChelle is a passionate storyteller, across all media platforms. We love print and digital publishing, and get really excited about the fun to be had with social media and multi-tiered campaigns.
Michelle - Publisher
I'm Michelle, otherwise known as Chelle, and I've been having a load of fun creating stories since the day I could use a pencil. I'm always thinking of a new way to create stories that matter.
Favourite travel experience
Near Churchill in the subarctic, I had the opportunity to rub noses with a polar bear. He was under our tundra buggy, and lifted his head up to the grate where you stomp the snow off your boots. I lay down so that our faces met.
Top of the travel bucket list
The Galapagos islands, to meet the blue-footed Booby, and the Amazon Jungle to go piranha fishing. I love fishing and forests.